
No way!

I should be flattered that they keep asking me to go back. But there's absolutely NO way I'm moving back to Bako. Just not worth my sanity. Naw mean?


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Wow really?

Some people say the dumbest things. I get so annoyed by it!!! Its best they keep their mouth shut before I shut it for them! JK, that sounds kinda violent, lol!

Ughh, but anyway, homeboy was implying that 2011 would be the year my bf & I would marry. Yea, we were planning on that, but just to spite you, its going to happen at a later date :)

I understand that I should learn to let things go blah blah blah. But people just looooovve to get in my business & put their 2 cents in. Like really, I didn't ask you about my future marriage. So kindly butt out & stop giving me advice!!! I don't want a marriage like yours, k? :)

Hahaha oh man. Am I angry? Not really, just really annoyed at people who think they know my bf & me.


Its hard to find real, true & loyal friends. Like, have you ever gone soooo out of your way for someone and they didn't even appreciate it? Its so frustrating, right?! *sigh*

But aside from the dumb comments people say, that I should just be ignoring, I do realize I am so blessed with such a loud loving ilocano family, a truly wonderful bf, fun friends that I can be myself with, & best of all, I'm loved by my God who is the realest, truest, loyal friend I will ever have.


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Gooooood morning!!!

I'm up early! Haha yes, this is early for me. Today, I'm 25 & 3 days old! LOL!

Anyway, I feel like my 25th year is going to be a good year!!! Don't ask me how I know this. I just know it. I feel it. :) My God is mighty & I believe He has great plans for me!

Big ups to my friends who greeted me a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Thank youuuuu!!! For me, its the little things in life that count & make me happy. And a greeting on my birthday did just that :) Thank you to my friends who remembered! AND thank you to my friends who looked on the right side of their screen on FB hahaha!

Although it may seem like I did nothing out of the ordinary, I seriously enjoyed my day! My bf and I had lunch at House of Genji, sang(more like rapped) to some biggie & bone thugs while driving to the theatres LOL, watched Easy A, got a free Venti Iced Coffee (yummm), went to Best Buy, chilled at home, and had dinner at home(cooked by my mom& she made ALL my favorites!) Hahaha the night before my birthday, we had some food prepared for our bible study which just turned out to be a dinner instead of eating and then having bible study... Haha

It was a good day! I love spending time with my family & friends!


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