
"Today I don't feel like doing anything..."

"Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all, nothing at all" - The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars

Today is my first day off in two weeks!!! I think my body has been so accustomed to waking up so early, that sleeping in till 8am is good enough. LOL I guess...

So today I'm not gonna do anything! Well, I'm gonna try not to do anything. Ill catch up on some shows, play a little Cityville & Sims 2. Maybe watch some movies/tv shows on Netflix... We'll see how my day off goes :D


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I. Need. Energy.

I'm so tired today and I won't have a day off until the 2nd of April...

Lord, give me strength!

I think I'm all worn out from my IV class & I feel a bruise forming in my right hand.

I'm definitely gonna nap before Italian class tonight.


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