

Now I can blog through email! That's sooo much more convenient for me :)

I'm excited! I can blog more hahaha
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Testing 1, 2, 3...
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Testing 1, 2, 3...
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nod and smile

its hard to communicate with someone when they think they know everything. and on top of that, they feel like they need to correct everything you say or do...

just nod and smile. nod and smile...



I don't know why I haven't posted up a new entry...

I have no excuse. I guess I just didn't :(

I was sooo blessed during birthday week! I got my official LVN license on October 5th! That was the day right before my birthday! Then on October 7th, I completed my health screen w/TB test. All is good :)

So I guess I'm just waiting to move now... Waiting and waiting and waiting some more. My dad has to set up my computer in the office over in Bakersfield next week. So after that's done with, I can move over there! yaaaaay!

I am so ready to move now though. I need a change. I'm tired of how lame people can be. I need adventure. I need excitement! But I won't be able to bring my dogs with me :( i'm saaaddd...

I am so blessed to have this job! Some people just don't understand. Its cool. Haters are always going to hate. That's just how it is! And if people find satisfaction in putting me down, downplaying all of my hard work while they try to raise themselves up, then coo! You go do that! But I will continue to work hard and do my best because I know that God has a GREAT plan for me! Besides, success is the best revenge :) not trying to seek revenge but 'i just wanna be successful...' LOL. Ain't nothin' wrong with that!

Anyway. I started packing already. I just need to start reviewing my A&P though. And my skills! Maybe my bf will go with me to the library or Borders this week... We'll see!


It's October!

4 days until my berrrtday :)

3 months until the year is ovaaah! Awww. How sad :(

So, I was talking to a few friends about how I'm set to move to B-town in about a month or so. And well, what if I don't like it?! dun dun dunnnn. So I have decided that if the money isn't worth it, I'll stay 3 months. If the job isn't for me, then I'm going to suck it up, do my best, and gain experience for my nursing career! And well, I'll probably stay for at least 6 months. I don't feel like its going to be a permanent move. Just a move to gain some knowledge and experience. Besides, I'll be up in my hometown every weekend. I won't need to find a new church to go to or a new bible study to attend. I can still stay committed to my ministries. And things can still stay the same. At least on the weekends :)

Monday through Fridays will be a whole 'notha story.

I'm really excited to start working but really sad to leave. I'll be leaving my family, boyfriend, friends, and my babies(my dogs) for 5 out of 7 days a week. I know I'll be lonely. I will be away from my comfort zone but its okay. It's about time I take it to the next level!

Lord, I am going to need Your strength! I won't be able to make it through this without You.

God is good and He has blessed me with so much! I'll share more about the things He's done on the next post. I'm tired and it's late.

Before I go, here's a youtube video I saw. Looove the song and they way she sang and he played it! This is for you, boo! Love you :)



LVN - Licensed Vocational Nurse

After talking with a couple of friends, I finally decided to start a blog about nursing. I have not yet started working as a nurse, but I finally got the results from the BVNPT... and I PASSED!

I'm a nurse.

Now, I'm just waiting on my official license. Sent in my $$$ on Monday. I should get it in 3-4 weeks.

I'm really excited about starting this blog :) for so many reasons.

1. I can look back and see how far I've come as a nurse.
2. I can share my nursing adventures without violating HIPAA, of course.
3. Being a nurse is a whole new chapter in my life. It's time for me to be an adult, my friends.
4. I can say what I want on here :)

So lets rewind.

September 26th: I received my letter from the BVNPT, and I passed.
September 29th: I had an interview and got the job! yeeeeeeee! Its not about what you know, its about WHO you know. Really.
September 30th: I started this blog.

I know. Its not all that interesting yet. But trust me, it will get very interesting!
