
I don't know why I haven't posted up a new entry...

I have no excuse. I guess I just didn't :(

I was sooo blessed during birthday week! I got my official LVN license on October 5th! That was the day right before my birthday! Then on October 7th, I completed my health screen w/TB test. All is good :)

So I guess I'm just waiting to move now... Waiting and waiting and waiting some more. My dad has to set up my computer in the office over in Bakersfield next week. So after that's done with, I can move over there! yaaaaay!

I am so ready to move now though. I need a change. I'm tired of how lame people can be. I need adventure. I need excitement! But I won't be able to bring my dogs with me :( i'm saaaddd...

I am so blessed to have this job! Some people just don't understand. Its cool. Haters are always going to hate. That's just how it is! And if people find satisfaction in putting me down, downplaying all of my hard work while they try to raise themselves up, then coo! You go do that! But I will continue to work hard and do my best because I know that God has a GREAT plan for me! Besides, success is the best revenge :) not trying to seek revenge but 'i just wanna be successful...' LOL. Ain't nothin' wrong with that!

Anyway. I started packing already. I just need to start reviewing my A&P though. And my skills! Maybe my bf will go with me to the library or Borders this week... We'll see!

1 comment:

  1. I say blog about the frog or the fox...or other wildlife you encounter over there! Haha. How is work?
