

Thank You Lord!!! Answered prayer :) hehe


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I also got to hear an awesome testimony from a former addict who was on drugs for 20 years & then he found Jesus. He also gave me free tamarindo even when I said I didn't have any cash for the things he was selling to fundraise for his organization :)

I get to go back to sj later this afternoon too!!!

I love You Lord :)


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Today is awesome!

Its the first day in weeks where I haven't felt miserable or wanted to cry about "it"... Haha dramatic much? But its true!

"It's" still the same & "it's" still not for me. But its the things that happened today & the people that I've talked to that lifted my spirit! Crazy that a truck that almost hit me made my day better than it has been in weeks haha... God works in such mysterious ways. I feel like He opened my eyes to see the same ol' things in a new way.

God is so good! I may not have everything I want but I sure do have everything I need. He never fails me. Never had, never will. That's one thing I can always count on :)

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Blessed :)

I'm really blessed to be alive right now... I was @ the shell gas station earlier and there was a truck that crashed into the stoplight pole near my car. Pieces of its bumper flew near my car. If the pole wasn't there, the truck would have gone straight toward me. The truck was about 20 feet away.

I am truly protected by my God!

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Someone just tried to be all racist against filipinos over the phone... She was upset (not with us tho) and started complaining about everything and then she was saying that the filipinos that work in the place she lives don't know how to talk and blah blah blah. And then when she said that, I was all, "well, I'm filipino." Then she tried to explain herself & I guess she was trying to say that she was able to understand wat I'm saying when I spoke... So I was just listening to see wat other stuff she could come up with... And then she said that she had nothing against filipinos... And then after a few more seconds, she was all " ok thank you bye."

Hahahaha. Therapeutic communications... Let the pt verbally express their emotions...


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I have lost control!

Hahaha more like I always lose control when I'm in san jose! I eat whatever I can conjure up during the week in boring b-town. And when I come home, I wanna eat everything! Everything is sooo much better when its homemade by your mommy!

I'm tired. And the lights are already off. My dogs are falling asleep on me. The reruns of my boy george lopez just aren't cutting it tonight. I should sleep now!


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Sometimes I just don't know and all I can do is pray...

Just gotta keep on going & trusting that the Lord will be w/me w/every step I take. Even if I took a route that made me stray, He will redirect me :) like GPS, but so so so soooo much greater :)

Thank You Jesus! I love You!


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It stinks

Soooo bad that when I'm outside, I'm always checking under my shoes to see if I stepped on crap! Hahaha

Like seriously. Smells like poo all over the place. Not always such a good idea to take a deep breath outside. The air ain't so fresh... Naw mean?!

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Our song :)

Is on the radio right now! Ill never forget the night in the van when we were all on our way home.

Haha. It was jam packed with youth & I was sitting next to u. And the girl who HECKA liked u was sitting on ur other side! Hahahaha but I got u :) and she wasn't supposed to be there either... She just got in the van & we were all "uhhh, ok?"

Hahahaha maan. Those were the days! I think about it & I just wanna crack up. It never gets old! Hahaha


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Just another manic Monday...

Well, not really but I can NOT believe its only monday! My day isn't even half over... Soo not feeling well :( its making time go by so slooooooowww.


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Its gonna warm up in this country town! And its not even spring yet!!! High 70's to low 80's?! Are you kidding me? What kind of weather is coming for summer? I hate summer weather! Only because my skin acts up... I love the sun, just not the super hot heat...

I hear san jose calling my name...


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Knock it off

"When u say 'that's so gay,' do u realize wat u say? Knock it off."

Seriously! Maybe some people don't personally know anyone who is gay... But they are still human & they have feelings.
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i'm a filipino girl who listens to country music!

the country-ness in this town is getting to me... hahaha

nothin' on yoooooouuu baaaby


"what's the point of having it all without the person you love??"

whoooo alicia. im liking ur songs right now. hahaha


Encouraged :)

My mom sent me an email a couple days ago. And after I wrote my last blog, a few minutes ago (hah!), I remembered it, & now I feel encouraged. I read that email a couple days ago & I was like, ok? How does this apply to me? I thought it couldn't so after reading it, I closed it & kinda forgot about it.

I've been feeling like a failure on so many different levels lately. And God impressed in my heart to read that email a little more carefully to understand. And I get it now! Thank You Lord! No matter how many times the enemy tries to convince me that I'm failing, I'm not :)


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its thursday

this is for you



Its soooo complicated!

I don't even know where to begin! I can't even put it together into words so that this mess can all make sense! I could try but this blog would take a long time to write. Then my thumbs would hurt haha!

Maybe God just wants me to keep quiet for now. Haha that's why I can't figure out how to even describe what's been bothering me. I mean, I can try. Haha but it doesn't feel like the right time. Obviously... since the words can't even come out of me!


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Prayer request

To anyone out there reading this...

Can u pray for me? There are things that I am unsure of doing & I need guidance.

Thank you :)


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4 months!!!

It has been officially 4 months since I started here. Haha no biggy. Just felt like blogging it :)

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First stop.

Lee's sandwich. Hahaha

And maybe after my sister gets off work, I can convince her to get pho with me!

I miss my asian food!!! Haha

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this made me smile

this is for you :)
(even if we argue really bad sometimes)

i love you!


Things definitely go by a lot faster when I have something to look forward to!

So glad I can go home this weekend!!! Can't wait :)

And you know, God is soo good! Whenever I feel like there is just no way, He reminds me that there IS a way & He makes the impossible, POSSIBLE! He is so great! So amazing! WOW :)

I'm like, so filled with His peace. I just have this peace & joy & I just KNOW that this is God! No matter how stressful & crazy things get, just taking a moment to breath & remembering to trust in Him in ALL aspects of my life, He's got it. He has my back. And a friend reminded me last week of this verse- Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Thanks Angela :) shout out! Haha


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So this morning...

My mom texts me this:

Mom: Morning nakkong, the joy of the Lord is our strength, be happy para hindi ka mag mukhang matanda, love u nakkong maganda, God bless

Hahaha soo funny! I've been stressing out a lot at work lately & I've been thinking A LOT & feeling kinda sad... & so I've been talking to my parents about it. Her text made me literally lol. Hahaha

Just in case you don't understand it she says: Morning my child, the joy of the Lord is our strength, be happy so that you don't look old, love u my beautiful child, God bless

Hahaha its kind of an inside joke. Cuz she was telling me that if I think & stress out too much, its gonna age me. & she was saying that she hopes that the next time she sees me, I don't look 5 yrs older. Hahaha

It made me smile :)


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Thank You Lord for getting me through the day :) I couldn't have done it without You!


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Its the 1st of the Month

I barely got into work 45 minutes ago & I'm already stressed out :(

Lord, help me get through today...


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