

Someone I knew from high school recently passed away. Even though it has been years since I've last seen or talked to her, I feel really sad about what happened.

It makes me sad that she chose to end her life. She left behind her husband & kids. Her children are going to grow up without their mommy & her husband just lost the love of his life...

Who knows what happened and why it came down to this... but all anyone can do now is keep her family in our prayers.

In high school, she was a tough girl. She was intimidating but after getting to know her, you would see how nice, friendly & outgoing she was. She made people laugh. And that's how I will remember her.


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"Today I don't feel like doing anything..."

"Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all, nothing at all" - The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars

Today is my first day off in two weeks!!! I think my body has been so accustomed to waking up so early, that sleeping in till 8am is good enough. LOL I guess...

So today I'm not gonna do anything! Well, I'm gonna try not to do anything. Ill catch up on some shows, play a little Cityville & Sims 2. Maybe watch some movies/tv shows on Netflix... We'll see how my day off goes :D


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I. Need. Energy.

I'm so tired today and I won't have a day off until the 2nd of April...

Lord, give me strength!

I think I'm all worn out from my IV class & I feel a bruise forming in my right hand.

I'm definitely gonna nap before Italian class tonight.


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Waiting patiently...

At least I'm trying to. Waiting is the hardest part...


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Every Woman by Az Yet

Every woman needs her man
To hold her and
Protect her and
Tell her that she's beautiful
And how she feels, he understands
A man that will not leave her but
Will stand right by her side.
So before you go, just know that
Every woman needs...her man.

Her man...her man.
Help me say..

Every woman needs her man
To fight for her
Die for her
Someone who will take the time
To place his heart
Inside of her
A man that's not afraid to say
"I'm sorry" when he's wrong.
So before you walk away
Just let me say,
That lady needs her man.

Her man. (x7)

So remember to
Tell her that you love her
And that you
Place no one above her
And remind her
What we have will last...always
Oh, and tell her
Meant to be together
and that I
I will leave you never
And I promise
to stay with you forever
until my dying day

Every woman needs a man
Who'll be true
Who will say I do
Even when the skies are grey
He knows that God
Will bring them though.
A man who understands that love
It don't come everyday.
So before you go just know that
Every woman needs her man

Tell her that you love her
And that you
place no one above her
and remind her
what we have will last always
Always oh and tell her
Meant to be together
And tell her
I will leave you never
And I promise to
stay with you forever
until my dying day

So before you go just know
That every woman needs
So before you walk away,
Just let me say that lady needs
So before you go just know
That every woman needs her man.



I'm trippen...

Tell me why I thought its been almost a year since I left my job... When in reality, its only been a little over 6 months?

In all honesty, I miss being busy -__-

Can't wait to go back to school & learn a new language!!! Ciao bella!


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I'm trippen...

Tell me why I thought its been almost a year since I left my job... When in reality, its only been a little over 6 months?

In all honesty, I miss being busy -__-

Can't wait to go back to school & learn a new language!!! Ciao bella!


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I hate that I'm easily discouraged!




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Leave the past behind & keep moving forward!

This going to be the year that I will forget about you!


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